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Mitt Romney and You

The Republican nominee’s energy plan doesn’t say much about electricity or natural gas. But what it does say should sound familiar to anyone who’s followed energy policy for more than four years.
Author Bio: 

Michael T. Burr is Fortnightly’s editor-in-chief. Email him at

Bold plan for independence, or more partisan overreach?

The Methane Myth

The EPA’s new method for measuring the amount of methane that escapes from natural gas wells is based on flawed data. Oklahoma’s attorney general says this misguided policy decision treads on state regulatory authority and stifles resource development.

Op Ed
Author Bio: 

E. Scott Pruitt is attorney general of Oklahoma and chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association.

Incompetence and overreach at the EPA.

Regulatory Gordian Knot

New environmental requirements under the Clean Water Act (CWA) will add to the already complex burden of compliance for power plants. As the Environmental Protection Agency moves forward with cooling water and effluent standards, utilities and generators will have to deal with overlapping rules and conflicting policy goals.

Author Bio: 

Miranda Yost is an attorney in Hunton & Williams LLP’s Richmond office. Her practice focuses on environmental law and regulation.

EPA’s new water, waste, and air regulations complicate power plant compliance.
