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Utility Pole and Conduit Survey

In California, the Public Utilities Commission disclosed that it will examine whether the existing stock of utility poles and underground conduits in the state have sufficient space to support ubiquitous, competitive, and affordable telecommunications services, while keeping the pole and conduit infrastructure safe for residents, workers, and the environment.

Underscoring the need for a comprehensive "census" of utility pole and cable capacity, the commission noted that substantial property damage and repeated loss of life in the state had been attributed to poorly maintained utility poles and attachments. Plus, the commission observed, safety issues associated with poles and cables have increased at the same time that advanced telecommunications technologies have driven demand for access to utility poles and conduit to unprecedented levels.

According to the commission, new competitors have complained about how this "crowding" has made it difficult for them to add their equipment. The commission posited that creating a database of utility poles could help owners track attachments on their poles and better manage necessary maintenance and space rearrangements. A complete inventory of poles and conduit also could help the commission in its oversight role, it added. (Investigation 17-06- 027, Rulemaking 17-06-028)