B&M - accelerating towards electrification

Talking About the Globe’s Grids in Vancouver

It’ll be like a United Nations of grids. Electric grid leaders from Bahrain, Barbados, Canada, China, Guyana, Korea, Jamaica, Mali, Netherlands, Turks & Caicos and the U.S. will be speakers at this confab in Vancouver on grid innovation, investment, infrastructure.

Many diverse cultures will be represented on the panels and in the conference audience. Including Brooklyn, as I’ll be moderating the session “The Role of Transmission in a Distributed and Renewable Energy Future.”

The conference is on September 10 and 11. You want in? Our readers from the U.S. including Brooklyn can reach out to Daniel Noll at the Edison Electric Institute, dnoll@eei.org. Our readers from Canada can reach out to Leah Michalopulos at the Canadian Electricity Association, michalopulos@electricity.ca.   

There will even be simultaneous translation between English and Chinese. I wonder what distributed energy resources, non-wires alternatives, new business models, net metering, etc. are in Chinese?