Spring Verse for the Grid
It has come of late to our attention,
That there is a considerable tension,
Between grid reliability and affordability,
Between decarbonization and transmission line location,
Between e-mobility and charging availability.
We must be zero emission, yes, that is the mission,
Though if you’re on a commission, you’re not a magician.
Gas is good some say, others say it’s bad.
A lot of factors to weigh, but it just doesn’t add.
Coming onto the grid are renewables galore, and now from offshore,
When the wind doesn’t blow, the sun doesn’t shine, we’ll need something more.
To keep the lights on seven times twenty-four, Katy, bar the door.
The requirement for more storage we cannot ignore.
Apart from a lot of quick start megawatts which would be smart.
And the imperative for more gas-electric coordination, that’s clear.
That is why this is the year for taskforce GEAR.
Soon many more plants will retire.
Events they conspire.
Our act is high wire.
All of the above, that is the saying.
It’s a challenge we love but the situation is dismaying.
FERC, NERC, the RTOs, state commissions, utilities.
Reliability and affordability are our responsibilities.
We have the capability to maintain the grid’s dependability.
So let us ramp this thing up.
It’s after all in our makeup.
On behalf of the public interest, to measure up.