Articles all

Storage Steps Up

Could grid-integrated batteries change the way power producers operate fossil power plants?
Could batteries affect the way power producers evaluate and operate their generating assets – in particular fossil fired generating assets they currently use to supply ancillary services? Duke Energy's Jeff Gates talks about the Notrees project and the future of battery storage.

Securing a Future for Coal

Carbon sequestration and the path forward for fossil fuels.
A combination of low gas prices and tighter regulations has sidelined coal as an option for new power plants. The outlook could change, however, with reasonable policies to create a market for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) systems. MIT Prof. Howard Herzog explains how.

Closing the Loop

Using automation for real-time control in dynamic power markets.
Increasingly complex and fast-changing power markets call for state-of-the-art automation systems. Fortnightly’s PowerProfit talks with Invensys v.p. Peter Martin.

Cycling Duty

NRG COO Mauricio Gutierrez on building a flexible fleet – but not chasing every megawatt-hour.
Will cheap natural gas forever change the way generators configure their fleets? NRG’s COO explains the company’s all-of-the-above strategy.

Clean Power Economics

Optimizing plant performance while achieving Clean Air Act compliance.
Can refurbishing existing environmental controls increase the profitability of fossil generating facilities and tip the cost-benefit analysis at marginal, coal-fired plants?
