Demand response

Order 745: Challenge to Plain Old Power Markets

The marginal external benefits provided by demand response prove more than sufficient to overcome concerns that paying LMP was too expensive.
"The rule will allow wholesale markets to shape load curves to reduce the prices." – Charles Cicchetti
Author Bio: 

Dr. Charles Cicchetti is co-founder of Pacific Economics Group and formerly was the Miller Chair in Government, Business and the Economy at the University of Southern California. Previously, he served with Arthur Andersen Economic Consulting (managing director), Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett (co-chairman), National Economic Research Associates (NERA, as senior vice president), and the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (as chairman).

The Order will extend application of load-reducing technologies and marketing to a new class of services.

Storage Steps Up

Could grid-integrated batteries change the way power producers operate fossil power plants?
Could batteries affect the way power producers evaluate and operate their generating assets – in particular fossil fired generating assets they currently use to supply ancillary services? Duke Energy's Jeff Gates talks about the Notrees project and the future of battery storage.

Federal Feud

When Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led an attack on the federal Springfield Armory in January 1787—the spark that ignited the federalist movement—he scarcely could’ve guessed that now, 225 years later, his spiritual descendants would still be fighting that very same battle.

Author Bio: 

Bruce W. Radford ( is Fortnightly’s publisher, and Michael T. Burr ( is the editor-in-chief.

The jurisdictional battle rages on, with FERC and EPA squaring off against the states.

Efficiency Beyond the Low Fruit

As efficiency programs mature, utilities and regulators will be challenged to keep producing demand-side resources. A systems-oriented approach can yield cost-effective results.

Author Bio: 

Hossein Haeri, Ph.D., is an executive director, Heidi Ochsner an associate and Jim Stewart, Ph.D., a senior associate at The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Continuous improvement requires changing practices and cultural norms.