B&M - accelerating towards electrification

PUF's Where's Energy

Oh Henry!

Henry Hub natural gas prices have fallen 63% since August.

Stocking Stuffer

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through our places of work.

Not a creature was stirring, not even NERC.

The stockings were hung by the smokestack with care.

In hopes that St. Joe soon would be there.

Utility and regulatory leaders were nestled all snug in their beds.

While visions of federal funds danced in their heads.

When out on the beltway there arose such a clatter.

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the Energy Star window I flew like a flash.

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

Monitor for the Monitors?

As the guy who is constantly analyzing the value of electricity and its cost to consumers, some would say ad nauseam, this thing for monitors got my attention. I mean, with the greatest respect for those wanting monitors, to put another check on one of the most effective monitoring systems ever devised by man (our utility regulatory process), really?

Up Down Up Down

Pretty scary, isn’t it? This up and down and up and down volatility in gas prices.

Electric Distributions

Average monthly electric bills are quite different depending upon where you are in the country.

Ukraine Cries

Check out Ukraine’s largest energy company, DTEK.

Energy in Women

WCEE's Woman of the Year award goes to Brenda Mallory and Gina McCarthy.

October's PPI Report

Power plant gas prices fell 19.1%, but are still 41.6% above that of a year ago.

October's CPI Report

All goods and services were up 8.2% year-over-year.

Watch Wednesday's Webinar on PUF's New Book "Heroes of the Storms"

Hear some inspiring experiences of the industry's heroes. Co-authors Steve Mitnick and Rachel Moore interviewed more than fifty heroes of storm restoration.
